Clearwood is a soft and woody fragrance note with a clean, transparent scent profile that carries subtle earthy and slightly sweet undertones. Its aroma is smooth, warm, and refined, adding a natural and modern quality to perfumes. Clearwood imparts a delicate, woodsy character and is often used as a middle or base note to create depth and clarity in fragrance compositions. It pairs beautifully with florals, musks, and citrus notes, contributing to fragrances that are sophisticated, balanced, and contemporary.
History & Production: Clearwood is a natural ingredient developed through biotechnology, using sustainable fermentation processes to produce an eco-friendly alternative to traditional patchouli. Created by Firmenich, Clearwood captures the essence of patchouli but with a cleaner, more refined quality. This innovative note is highly valued in modern perfumery for its versatility and ability to add a woody, elegant touch without the heavy, earthy qualities of traditional patchouli. Clearwood’s unique, transparent nature enhances the brightness and sophistication of fragrances, making them feel fresh, refined, and modern.