Lavandin (Provence)
Lavandin from Provence is a bright and aromatic fragrance note with a fresh, herbal scent profile that carries subtle camphor and floral undertones. Its aroma is clean, uplifting, and slightly spicy, adding a natural and invigorating quality to perfumes. Provençal lavandin imparts a soft, herbaceous character and is often used as a top or middle note to bring freshness and clarity to fragrance compositions. It pairs beautifully with citrus, floral, and woody notes, contributing to fragrances that are vibrant, elegant, and full of Mediterranean charm.
History & Production: Lavandin, a hybrid of true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia), is widely cultivated in the Provence region of France, known for its high-quality production. The essential oil is extracted through steam distillation of the flowering tops, capturing its robust, aromatic essence. In perfumery, Provençal lavandin is prized for its ability to add a bright, fresh depth that enhances the crispness and natural appeal of fragrances, evoking a sense of Provence’s sunlit landscapes and herbal beauty.