Orthomol AMD Extra
Orthomol AMD Extra

Orthomol AMD Extra




Orthomol AMD Extra steps into the spotlight as a beacon of hope for those navigating the complex territory of age-related macular degeneration, aptly abbreviated as AMD. This condition primarily affects the macula, an intricately specialized region on the retina that is responsible for sharp and focused vision. As individuals advance in age, deposits tend to accumulate beneath the retina, especially near the macula, triggering the gradual degeneration of sensory cells within this critical area.

But Orthomol AMD Extra isn't just a product; it's a tailored dietary management solution designed to support those dealing with AMD's challenges. Within its specialized formulation are micronutrients meticulously selected to address the needs of individuals facing AMD. Amid evolving industry regulations, Orthomol ensures compliance by adjusting claims on their dietary foods, including Orthomol Immun, Orthomol Arthroplus, and Orthomol AMD Extra. This dedication to adherence is crucial, given the categorization of these products as foods for special medical purposes, governed by regulations like EU Directive 1999/21/EC, which mandate specific labeling requirements, highlighting their intended use in managing particular health conditions.

  • Tailored micronutrient support for age-related macular degeneration.
  • Compliance with evolving industry regulations for dietary foods.
  • Focus on managing specific health conditions through precise labeling.
  • 120 Daily Servings: Capsule.
  • Take one capsule daily with water, preferably after a meal, or as advised by your doctor.
