Orthomol Fertil Plus
Orthomol Fertil Plus

Orthomol Fertil Plus




The dream of parenthood, when unfulfilled, can strain both relationships and self-esteem. However, the good news is that men can play a proactive role in this journey. Male fertility, a crucial aspect of conception, thrives with the support of a well-rounded diet enriched with vital micronutrients.

Orthomol Fertil Plus steps onto this stage as a guardian of male fertility, emphasizing the importance of sperm quality. At its core, it boasts a treasure trove of nutrients designed to nourish and enhance this vital aspect of reproductive health. Within its arsenal, omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), reign supreme. These polyunsaturated fatty acids, integral components of cell membranes, play a pivotal role in bolstering sperm quality. Furthermore, Orthomol Fertil Plus calls upon the prowess of zinc, a key contributor to normal fertility, reproduction, and the maintenance of testosterone levels in the blood. Selenium joins the ensemble, supporting the orchestration of normal spermatogenesis. Notably, a trio of vitamins – B6, B12, and folic acid – participate in maintaining normal homocysteine metabolism. These heroes are further augmented by the inclusion of vitamin D, zinc, and vitamin B12, all contributing to the intricate process of cell division. Lastly, Orthomol Fertil Plus calls upon copper, selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc to form a protective shield, safeguarding cells from the clutches of oxidative stress.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids support sperm quality.
  • Zinc maintains fertility and testosterone levels.
  • Comprehensive blend of vitamins and minerals for male reproductive health.
  • 30 Daily Servings, Tablets/capsule.
  • Consume the contents of one packet (equivalent to a daily serving) individually, preferably with an ample amount of liquid, either with or after a meal every day. You also have the option to distribute the individual tablets and the capsule across your daily meals as needed.
