Orthomol Junior C Plus
Orthomol Junior C Plus

Orthomol Junior C Plus




In the delicate tapestry of children's health and growth, nutrition forms the cornerstone. While a balanced diet is paramount, it's but one piece of the puzzle for fostering the well-being of our little ones. To nurture their bodies comprehensively, we must also weave in the threads of exercise and relaxation, creating a harmonious fabric that supports overall health. Just as the immune defense system thrives with a steady supply of micronutrients, the body's myriad functions flourish when nourished with essential elements, accompanied by regular physical activity and moments of rest for regeneration.

Orthomol Junior C Plus emerges as a vital component in this holistic approach to child health. It's more than just a supplement; it's a guardian of growth and well-being. At its core, it delivers the gift of vitamin D, a key contributor to a robust immune system. But its benevolence extends further. Orthomol Junior C Plus bridges the path to normal growth and development of bones in children through the dynamic duo of calcium and vitamin D. Additionally, it ushers in the nurturing touch of iodine, further promoting the normal growth of our cherished little ones. These vital nutrients blend seamlessly, offering a solid foundation for healthy development.

  • Vitamin D for a robust immune system.
  • Calcium and vitamin D for normal bone growth.
  • Iodine's role in promoting normal growth in children.
  • 30 Daily Servings: Chewable tablets.
  • Consume the contents of one packet (equivalent to a daily serving) with or after a meal every day. You have the flexibility to either spread the daily serving throughout the day or take it all at once, depending on your preference.
