Orthomol Tendo
Orthomol Tendo

Orthomol Tendo




In the intricate tapestry of the human body, the connective tissue serves as the unsung hero, quietly performing its vital role. Comprising an intricate web of diverse tissues and fibers, it stands as the bedrock upon which our physical stability rests. This remarkable tissue not only lends support and stability but also serves as a conduit, channeling the formidable strength generated by our muscles to our sturdy bones. At its heart, the connective tissue harbors elastin and collagen, two critical constituents that ensure its resilience and integrity.

Enter Orthomol Tendo, a meticulously crafted formula tailored to nourish and fortify this often overlooked but indispensable connective tissue. Within its potent blend lies collagen hydrolysate, enzymes, and the rejuvenating embrace of omega-3 fatty acids. Moreover, Orthomol Tendo proudly bears the badge of inclusion on the prestigious Kölner Liste® (Cologne List®), an emblem of utmost transparency and safety, steadfastly guarding against any hint of doping concerns. In addition to these cornerstones, Orthomol Tendo offers a suite of supporting nutrients. Manganese lends its hand in nurturing the normal formation of connective tissue, while copper diligently upholds the maintenance of this vital tissue. Furthermore, the infusion of Vitamin C contributes to the orchestration of normal collagen formation, crucial for the optimal function of cartilage and bones.

  • Enriched with collagen hydrolysate, enzymes, and omega-3 fatty acids for connective tissue support.
  • Proudly featured on the Kölner Liste® for transparency and safety.
  • Complementary nutrients like manganese, copper, and Vitamin C for enhanced tissue health.
  • 30 Daily Servings: Powder/tablet/capsules.
  • Mix the contents of one packet (equivalent to a daily serving) in 150-200ml of non-carbonated water or fruit juice. Consume this mixture along with the omega-3 fatty acid capsules with or after a meal each day.
  • For best results, take the enzyme tablet approximately half an hour before a meal.
