Orthomol Vitamin D₃ Plus
Orthomol Vitamin D₃ Plus

Orthomol Vitamin D₃ Plus




Orthomol Vitamin D₃ Plus offers a unique blend of benefits for overall health. This exceptional food supplement is meticulously crafted to provide the body with essential Vitamin D₃, facilitating the optimal absorption and utilization of calcium. What sets it apart is the inclusion of physalis fruit extract, a natural addition that enhances its effectiveness.

Within Orthomol Vitamin D₃ Plus, you'll find a powerful combination. Vitamin D₃ plays a vital role in maintaining normal blood calcium levels, bolstering the immune system, preserving bone health, and supporting muscle function. It's sourced from lichens, fascinating communities of fungi and algae often found nestled on trees, moss, and rocks. This unique origin underscores the product's commitment to natural excellence.

Notably, Orthomol Vitamin D₃ Plus brings together the goodness of Vitamin D₃ with the intriguing physalis fruit, also known as the Peruvian cherry, Inca berry, and Cape gooseberry. Originating in the Andes and making its journey to Europe via the Cape of Good Hope, the physalis adds a delightful twist to this supplement, enriching your health regimen in a truly exceptional way.

  • Vitamin D₃ for normal calcium absorption and utilization.
  • Enriched with physalis extract for added benefits.
  • Sourced from lichens, nature's treasure trove.
  • 60 Capsules.
  • Consume 1 capsule (equivalent to 1 serving) daily, either with plenty of fluid or after a meal.
