Angeline Leporini

Angeline Leporini

Angeline Leporini’s journey into the world of perfumery began with a transformative trip to Egypt at 17, where she first encountered the art of essential oil distillation. Captivated by the process of extracting rose essence, she pursued a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry followed by a Master’s degree at ISIPCA. Her formal education led to an apprenticeship in Grasse, where she honed her skills under a Senior Perfumer and embraced the importance of preserving natural raw materials in fragrance creation.

Described as "methodically creative," Angeline combines academic rigor with a poetic sensibility, crafting fragrances that are both delicate and impactful. Her work spans both fine fragrance and personal care, demonstrating a unique ability to draw inspiration across categories. Notable creations include Amouage Epic Woman and Xerjoff Fiore d'Ulivo. Passionate about sustainability, Angeline also advocates for ethical practices in the fragrance industry.

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